Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New Identity! (kind of....)

I finally came up with a new name for my internet self! Now, you will probably think I'm crazy, but I have seriously been searching for a name for years. Nothing seemed appropriate, either too cutesie or too trendy, or not "me" enough. Turns out the answer is closer than I ever thought. I was playing around with my name, first and last and what it would be if I had taken a married name, and came up with "Saralude". I like it. Reminds me of both "Interlude" and "Sarabande", both somewhat musical terms. I think it sounds like a Debussy piano piece.

Of course, I am sure someone will write in and tell me it actually means "dungheap" in Mandarin, or reminds them of "ludefisk" or "quelude". At which point I shall go have a long cry in a corner.

(Still typing with the splint on, so this post will not be long. Have developed a kind of combined typing style, where the left hand does the correct typing thing, and the broke-ass right hand does a hunt-and-peck. Not terribly efficient.)


Anonymous said...

Well. . . I gotta tell ya, my first thought was Quaalude. . .

But I sorta like the Debussy reference, so maybe it will work after all.

Saralukies said...

Durn, I thought so. Well, it might be back to the drawing board, once again.

Anonymous said...

I kinda like it. Hey man, take a saralude...