Yes, my little bear cub turned two yesterday.
We celebrated first this weekend with a trip to the zoo (Gramma in tow) on the hottest day of the year so far. Miles of gleaming white Canadian flesh were on the roam, and it all seemed to be at the zoo. We had a great time anyway, although, as always seems to be the case, the adults were more excited than the kiddlins.

Vala certainly enjoyed this turtle, however.

Gavin preferred the machinery, as always. He followed one little boy who had a camera around for like ten minutes, pretending to be interested in whatever the boy was pointing at and talking about, while really just trying to get a closer look at his equipment.
Meanwhile, Vala communed with some wildlife.

And the wildlife communed right back. But the idyllic time was soon at an end, and he waved goodbye...

...and traipsed off into the sunset.

Poor heartbroken little monkey. Mine, not the furry one.
On her actual birthday, I baked a cake from scratch (!) and we had a little teeny birthday celebration, just the four of us. Here is a short photo essay about our day.
"Look! Mama made a cake! Yay!"

"The cake! Mama! Give us some cake!! It's right there!!!"

"We get it. We're cute. CUT THE CAKE."

Ahhh, the joys of photographing children. Ready for another photo essay? I thought you were.
"Oh my gosh. What is he doing?"

"Does he know he's setting my cake on fire?"

"Should I tell him? Nooo, he'll figure it out."

"I hope...."

Well, happy birthday, little monkey.

I still can't believe it.
(as always, click on over to flickr for more zoo and bday fun)
So sorry that I couldn't be there for the actual big day, but so happy to hang out with the kiddies at the zoo and on our wildflower walk. The pictures, as usual, are AMAZING. I love the little monkey ones (both the ones with the actual monkey and with just the human monkey. . .) Does anyone else have such wonderful grandkids? Not in my opinion!!
Love you all!!
that park telescope looks like wall-e!
you and your hubby have some cute kids! i can't believe she's 2 either! not only does it seem like last week that we all sat up late and watched her breakdance in your belly, but i'm probably always gonna call her my little baby vala.
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